unique functionalities
Drag and drop elements, connect dependencies, and visually design your processes, making it intuitive for users to understand and manage their tasks effectively.
Swiftly configure rules to trigger actions, automate repetitive tasks, and minimize the need for manual intervention.
DBP offers comprehensive tracking code support, providing a unique identifier for each task in a process. You can automatically assign tracking codes at the initiation stage or generate them based on customized formats.
Apply rules swiftly at any stage of the workflow to increase automation or minimize manual intervention in the process.
Automate process follow-ups with in-time notifications across various platforms. Whether it's web-based, in-app, text message, or email notifications, DBP enables you to set up notifications based on different process steps.
LowCode is a software platform developed and powered by Interfacing, a leading solution that helps companies manage all their processes, tasks, document processing needs, and much more. LowCode was created to allow almost anyone create powerful and dynamic online applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge.
Our dedicated team of experts ensures seamless integration, scalability, and exceptional user experiences, allowing you to focus on your core business while we handle the technical aspects.